Over 20 years ago, I discovered a passion for the type of work that most dentists frown on. I am a graduate of the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. I found that I love working with denture patients. I enjoy the company of our senior population, and I understand their greater needs.
Denture patients need more time and patience than any other. They need a doctor who will listen. That is paramount to solving the mystery of the denture. After learning the secret of making denture patients happy, it was only a matter of time before I found myself dedicated to helping this population.
Prior to opening my practice, I worked for a major dental center in the Nashville area, where I quickly ascended to the rank of Center Director. I opened my private practice because I wanted to spend more time with patients. For the past 22 years, I have been making quality dentures in the Hendersonville area. As a result, I have earned the respect of oral surgeons, periodontists, and general dentists throughout the region, with some going as far as referring to us exclusively.
I hope my passion for what I do shows through everything I do, especially to my patients who trust me. I am grateful to be able and share my gifts with those who need me most and to help create beautiful smiles.
Dr. Johnnie McNichols
Triad Dentures is built on the principles of making quality products and providing reliable service for our community. Our diverse product range continues to grow by improving our standard products when new technology is available, following emerging trends, and, most importantly, listening to the customer.
By remaining steadfast in our commitment to service, we have established our place in this industry allowing us to make a distinctive and substantial impact on our clients.
Office Receptionist
Tammy and Dr. McNichols met when she became a patient of his many years ago. She has been a loyal employee of Triad Dentures for over a decade and serves as our office receptionist. She has become an invaluable asset to Triad Dentures. Tammy greets patients with her warm, welcoming smile and goes above and beyond to ensure patients feel comfortable speaking about their concerns, knowing she truly cares about their dental health and well-being.
Mon – Fri : 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat & Sun : Closed
Website design by: Navarro Creative Group, LLC